
Journal of a graduate student in military history and the American Civil War

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On History Grad Student Fitness…

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http://transition2008.wordpress.com/2008/04/08/think-tanks-and-other-players-transition-2008-part-ii/     News flash…

Graduate students in history sit on their backsides and read…a lot.
I’ve noticed the impact on my fitness level.
I have found a solution…
I plan to walk while I work, read, and write.

LifeSpan TR2000

LifeSpan TR2000

I just bought one of these bad-boys… and it was worth every penny. Quiet, easy, and tilts up and down. Did a ton of research before I bought it.

My laptop fits perfectly on a small board that I lay across the arms. And my new Thai Book Rest from Levenger’s (my favorite store for all things for readers) fits perfectly so that I can read away while I walk.

James “walk-while-you-work” Levine (Mayo Clinic), has become my new fitness guru…

Written by Rene Tyree

August 14, 2008 at 10:31 pm